Goodbye from Minka Guides - hero

Goodbye from Minka Guides

Yes, it’s time for me to say farewell to this decade-long project and a HUGE thank you to everyone who has supported it (and me) over the years.

Goodbye from Minka Guides - profile
T-shirt from @notaphaseorg (and they ship internationally)

I started Minka Guides around 2015 as a tiny travel blog, which quickly turned into a queer travel blog (because it’s me, obvs). And then, in 2020, when the pandemic forced a change of focus, I started writing about polyamory and queerness and ageing and all the other things that were going on for me at the time. AND OH BOY, it soon became clear how important those things were for you, too.

So, thank you to everyone who has been with me since the start. And thank you to those who have joined me along the way.

An extra special thank you to those who started as followers and turned into digital friends, IRL friends, and occasionally even flatmates. I’d tag you all, but you know who you are.

Thank you to everyone who wrote me supportive comments and messages over the years. Thank you to everyone who shared my content. Thank you to everyone who took the time to let me interview them. Thanks to all my friends who let me pester them for their opinions, perspectives and quotes to enhance my writing. Thank you to everyone who recommended me to their pals. I truly, sincerely appreciate it because that is what kept me going for so long.

If you’ve been with me on this journey for the past decade, you’ve undoubtedly witnessed almost everything change about me during that time. Thanks to Minka Guides, I was able to change careers, leaving the film industry and moving into writing online content for a living. I also changed relationship styles and relationships more than a few times. I changed both my gender identity and presentation. And after many years of searching, I also changed where I live. I feel I am all the better for having made these changes.

So, what happens now? Well, my website and YouTube channel will stay live for the next 18 months. At some point after that, they’re likely to disappear.

In the coming days, I’ll change the name on my Instagram so it’s easier for my friends to find me. I don’t share much publicly anymore, but you’re welcome to keep following me if you’re curious. But then, who knows, we might all have to give up on everything Meta during the next four years. Maybe that will be good for us, though.

Either way, please take good care of yourselves and the people around you. Please fight with everything you have for free public healthcare in your country. For trans+ kids. For an end to colonisation and genocide. For a world that is very different from the one we live in now.

Minka Guides was a queer travel and then an alternative lifestyle blog that existed from 2015-2025.

It’s no longer active, but please enjoy the archive.