Back in November, the lovely Jovy from Forever Yung nominated me for a Blogger Recognition Award, which in truth is just a friendly shout-out to other bloggers that you think are awesome. So with that in mind, I decided to use this as an opportunity to tell you about the 15 travel blogs I think are really fabulous and you should definitely add to your follow list (be it Instagram, email or Bloglovin) in 2018. If you’re regularly on the lookout for more colourful and fun travel inspiration, then you should check out my fabulous traveller feature on my Instagram for great new ideas on who to follow each week.
🌟 To find out more about the Blogger Recognition Award and how to carry it forward if you’ve been nominated, read my blog post about it here.
So here you go, in no particular order, some seriously fabulous travel bloggers.
Solo travel bloggers
1. Small Crazy
Yishyene describes herself on Instagram as “The FUN Blog! 🍉 Living the fun & colourful life 🌈 Scattering rainbow sprinkles across the globe!” It’s not surprising that I should be kind of obsessed with her as I obviously LOVE colour and adventure, so she inspires me to see the world through her eyes on a daily basis.
📌 Key destinations: Europe, Africa and Asia
2. Arabian Wanderess
You only have to watch one of Esra’s travel videos to understand why I am so in love with this lady. Her energy and enthusiasm are infectious and she is very regular in her adventures even though she’s simultaneously studying for a degree in London! She’s also my go-to person for vlogging tech and equipment tips.
📌 Key destinations: Europe, Middle East and Morocco
3. Travels of Adam
Adam has been a big inspiration to me as he was the only blogger I could find when I first started out that was creating content I was actually interested in. He’s based in Berlin, which means he’s already at the hub of everything awesome in Europe, and probably has a guide filled with awesome recommendations for everywhere you’re planning to travel this year. (Plus: he’s also a really lovely guy).
📌 Key destinations: round the world
4. Travel Outlandish
Probably the best way to describe Taylor is that when I finally go backpacking around South America, she’s the lady I will get all my advice from. Also based in Berlin, she’s totally kickass, takes great photos and writes content so slightly left-of-centre that it hits the mark exactly for me.
📌 Key destinations: round the world
5. Between Distances
If you’re looking for travel inspiration that’s more than a little left-of-centre, then Sebastián’s blog is exactly what you need. We’re talking urban exploring, alternative culture and those darker shadows of modern history that suddenly you get curious about when visiting a country. If street art and secret Soviet sites are your thing, then this is definitely a blog you should be following.
📌 Key destinations: Germany, Eastern Europe and Northern Ireland.
6. The Blog Abroad
No one makes me want to pack in my daily life and go see the world like Glo does! Her thousand-watt smile, cheeky personality and endless passion for travel are exactly why she has such a huge following. You can even join her on a group trip to Italy and Portugal this summer!
📌 Key destinations: round the world
7. RexyEdventures/The Deaf Traveller
Since 2011 Ed has travelled solo to 35 countries, which is pretty impressive in itself but even more inspiring when you discover that he is profoundly deaf in both ears! Yup, after receiving his cochlear implant nearly 7 years ago, this handsome devil decided there was nothing to stop him from seeing the world. So if you’re nervous about starting your own solo travel adventure, Ed is the guy to inspire you.
📌 Key destinations: round the world &
Couples travel bloggers
8. Couple Of Men
Finding couples bloggers that I enjoy following is actually quite tough, as I’m more interested in travel than other people’s relationships… but I love these guys! Karl and Daan are a German and Dutch couple who now live together in Amsterdam. Except when they’re travelling the world, which is pretty much most of the time. Thankfully, these talented boys write everything in English and focus on what it’s like to travel the world as a gay couple. So, of course, all their travel pictures are of them together looking totally adorable.
📌 Key destinations: Europe and North America
9. Lez Wander The World
One of the things that make English-American couple Zoey and Mari difficult not to love is that they met travelling…. and have not stopped ever since. As a queer woman myself (2022 UPDATE: I no longer identify as a woman but as genderqueer), I find their “Being Queer in….” travel series really refreshing and they have definitely done the hard graft as backpackers, so they have lots of tips on saving money. Plus, they look like they’re having an awesome time seeing the world which makes it hard not to want to do so yourself.
📌 Key destinations: Australia, Asia and USA.
10. Road Affair
Ben and Jazzy are kind of unique as couples bloggers – because it’s really hard to find a picture of them together. No really! Unlike pretty much every other couples blogger, their Instagram isn’t full of pictures of them snuggling up in every destination. They aren’t selling their relationship as the sole product of their blog, which I think makes them kind of awesome. You should go and check out their Instagram as the pictures they feature are great! Their website is awesome too and packed with tips for travelling – including some very comprehensive gluten-free city guides (Yay!)
📌 Key destinations: round the world
11. Gayly Planet
So Daniele and Luigi are the only bloggers on this list who don’t write in English, but hey – that’s what the Google Translate plugin is for! This Italian couple are a lot of fun to follow on Instagram and have a really interesting mix of content on their blog. I think I just also love the fact that they seem like really lovely guys – and secretly feel that they would give amazing hugs (yup, I’m probably a weirdo for thinking that but I do).
📌 Key destinations: Europe, Asia and USA
Travel+ bloggers
12. Female Hemingway
I was going to call this section ‘Travel Nerds’ because these bloggers mix something a little geeky with their travel adventures, which I love and I bet Tess definitely wouldn’t have minded either. Gorgeous Tess is a big books geek, a lover of whiskey and, you guessed it, Hemingway. Not only does she write about her travel adventures but also the incredible number of books that she reads along the way. So if you’re a bit of a book nerd too, this really is the travel blog for you.
📌 Key destinations: Europe and USA
13. Inside Our Suitcase/Mini Millionaire
If you’re wondering how on earth bloggers can afford to travel so much, Cora is the person you need to follow. Not only does she blog about her travel adventures with her girlfriend at Inside Our Suitcase, but she blogs (andn vlogs) about how she makes and saves money for these trips at Mini Millionaire. Plus, she can even teach you how to make money from blogging so she’s basically the handiest blogger around.
📌 Key destinations: Europe and USA &
14. Almost Ginger
Having myself spent years studying and then working in film, Rebecca’s blog combines two of my most favourite topics: travel + film. If you’ve ever wanted to know about the famous film locations for a city you’re visiting, this is the travel blog for you. She also blogs about visiting film festivals, list of films you should watch before visiting a city and more! So if you fancy yourself a bit of a cinephile too, then this is the travel blog for you.
📌 Key destinations: Europe and USA
15. Craft And Travel
Aside from the fact that Momtaz seems to share my passion for changing her hair colour every month, she’s also a rockin’ art, design & fashion blogger who mixes her travel adventures with her love of everything crafty! This fresh perspective means she showcases hotel room designs, market discoveries and travel style in a colourful and informative way. If you’re also a crafty creature, then this definitely is the blog for you.
📌 Key destinations: round the world
🌟 Who are your favourite travel bloggers? Comment below and let me know 👇